Saturday, May 5, 2012

Money Well Spent

We try and get out of the Winter weather every March, money-dependent. And it happens almost every year, except when we have some sort of financial emergency come up throughout the year.

This year, we made it. And if we balk at the cost, I just look at these little faces and know its money well-spent.

Traveling with kids with Special Needs can be challenging. Believe me, every night on vacation, I would collapse in a heap in the couch after the kids fell asleep. I was often asleep 30 minutes after they konked out.

And we had more than our share of hiccups along the way...

Emerson got his toe caught underneath a door and ripped off skin before we had a chance to check into the hotel (the first time we had to ask for a First Aid kit). Emerson got a giant sliver shoved into a finger at the Fort Wilderness campground (the second time we had to ask for a First Aid kit) and the wonderful people at Disney were kind enough to seek medical attention for us.

Tristan has Autism, so he had some difficulty regulating himself during the trip. For people who aren't familiar with someone with ASD, they can have a hard time with loud noises, crowds, and tight spaces. Waiting in lines can be a challenge. We did ok, but there were times we had to use everything in our arsenal of distraction and redirection to keep him from meltdown-mode.

With all of those daily hiccups, we still had a great time. I can only hope it can be repeated next year!

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