Monday, February 20, 2012

February Break Day #1

O.k. today starts February Break 2012.

I'm going to rate my Sanity Levels every day this week and see how I do.

For those of you unfamiliar with us, we live in Upstate New York, which doesn't have the greatest weather in Winter. Usually, we are up to our armpits in snow. This year, we've been fortunate to have a mild winter, and I can actually see grass outside right now. But it's still 32 degrees outside, so its not like the kids are throwing on their sandals and playing outside much. Whenever I send my boys outside, I bundle them up (which takes 15 minutes) and then end up playing in the cold for approximately 7 minutes before begging to come in again for some hot chocolate.

So school breaks can be ...A CHALLENGE.

Three young boys, 7 years old and younger, two with Special Needs, cooped up in the house for a week.

Now, I'd love to take them out places every day and Do Stuff with them, but everyone in the area (and their brothers) flock to the few indoor places to play in the area, so each place is jam-packed with kids and covered in germs. And for kids with sensory issues, crowded places and lots of noise in not always welcome. I've seen my sons cover their ears and look for quiet corners to take a break in places like these.

So we avoid the popular places during breaks.

So, my sanity levels during these school breaks take a hit. We usually do well for the first three days. The kids find it novel to play together at home, playing games and making up games and forts to play in - but then we start to lose it on Day #3. There is a lot of  "He's copying me," "He's touching me," "He's being mean to me," "He hurt me," and so on.

(Rating scale: 10 - Completely relaxed and with it. 1 - Need an immediate dose of chocolate or alcohol. Or both.)

So - Sanity Level, Day #1: Rating - 10. No immediate stress. Kids are watching Phineas and Ferb, having eaten breakfast. Getting dressed soon, and running a few errands with them this morning. Possible play date with friends this afternoon.

Perhaps I should do End of Day Updates as well, to check Sanity Levels then...

End of Day UPDATE: Sanity Level Day #1:  2. Day was going well until the trip to Target for new sneakers. I had one kid running the aisles, one kid being ungrateful and cranky, and one pretending that no size sneakers would fit his feet. And then I accidentally bonked him in the head with my elbow while trying to get the shoes on his feet. Lots of tears, some by me, but all was fixed with McDs Happy Meals on the way home. I was hoping Little Man would take a nap in the afternoon, but NO.
By the time Husband got home, I was close to losing it. A hot bath at the end of the day helped me recharge a little. I put my head under water and listened to myself breathe for a bit, for my Zen-;like moment....

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