Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Ok. I've made three resolutions this year, and I am making myself stick to them.

1) Be healthy. This means exercising and eating healthier. Stopping eating so much CRAP. I lost 30 pounds and have put 7 pounds back on in the past 4 months, just because I haven't been paying attention to myself.


2) Pay attention to MY needs sometimes. My need to be healthy. My need to be sane. My need to have something for myself every once in a while.


3)  Keep writing. It's what I was born to do. When I was 4 years old, I said I wanted to be a writer. I need to do this. And now my 7-year old son wants to be an author of scary stories. By watching me write, he will see that its possible and sometimes a necessity for some people to put their thoughts and words on paper. Or on screen.

And however his words come out, I will cherish them always, because they are his. A window into his heart and amazing mind. Autism or no, I am so proud of that boy.